Friday, December 4, 2015

Is Luke Skywalker Going to Join the Dark Side on Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

We are now just two weeks away from the release of the upcoming 7th Episode of Star Wars entitled The Force Awakens and everyone is excited to watch this film especially me. After the release of their final trailer, one thing that keeps buzzing everyone is the lack of appearance of the star of the original trilogy, the young Jedi, Luke Skywalker on the trailer. Yes, we have seen his robotic hand on one of the teasers before the final trailer. But seriously, where is he? He is not even on the official poster of it. This forces every Star Wars fan to theorize what the 7th Episode is going to be and what fate does the young Jedi fall into 30 years after the supposedly triumph of the Rebel Alliance on the Battle of Endor. The Film Theorist, one of my favorite channels in YouTube, released a theory concerning this issue. And the theory said that Luke unfortunately joined the Dark Side after Return of the Jedi and will be the main villain of the upcoming sequel. And this is the theory that I also believe to be true from the start. You can watch the video here:

The video basically made exact points about Luke joining the Dark Side and here are some of them.

1. Luke saw his own face on Dagobah.

Remember that scene when Luke was commanded by Yoda to go to a tree with a lot of Dark Force inside it? Luke at first thought that he was confronting  Darth Vader in the tree only to make the Vader image be beheaded showing Luke's face inside the helmet. At first I thought this is a hint to Darth Vader's true identity that he is actually Luke's long lost father. But we are already shown Anakin's young face on the end of the third movie and it doesn't resemble that much the face shown here.

Maybe it is really a clue on the impending fate of Luke. That he will be consumed by the Dark Side just like his father.

2. Luke's action doesn't resemble that of a Jedi.

On the whole original trilogy, Luke did a lot of things that doesn't resemble that of a true Jedi Knight. Luke is basically becoming arrogant as the film trilogy progresses not knowing he is turning to become one. On one scene on the last film, when he is going to rescue Han from the gangster, Jabba the Hutt, he is sounding like an angsty teen (just like his father) when he presented his ultimatum to Jabba regarding his prisoner Han Solo.

On the Empire Strikes Back, his lack of patience led to his downfall and the success of the Empire on Cloud City. Yoda keep on telling from the start to Luke that he should not do it for he can't change what's going to happen. For if he take the short and easy path, if he let his emotions take over his decisions, he will be absorbed by the Dark Side. But Luke trying to be heroic to save his friends insists on leaving and ceased his training. Yet Luke didn't end up liberating his friends from the tyranny of the Empire. Han Solo was still captured by Boba Fett and he confronted Vader only to lose the fight barely surviving.

Luke also let his rage on the Emperor to overpower him. He was then led to try to kill him by slicing him up with his lightsaber. The only thing that separates the Emperor from the impending death from Luke's attack is Darth Vader's counterattack.

I mean seriously. There are a lot of Luke's action that doesn't resemble any Jedi's action.

3. The intended ending of Star Wars.

This is the thing presented by MatPat that seals up the theory real good. As he explained, the intended ending of the original Star Wars Trilogy is this, the rebel alliance is going to lose in taters, Han Solo is going to die, the last scene will show Luke looking at the sunset of Tatooine. One of the producer then revealed that he thought the story would go to extremes that Luke is going to then join the Dark Side. The ending had been changed by George Lucas because the Star Wars franchise is having most of its profit on toys and merchandise that's why he want to make the whole franchise be child friendly leaving the film series to end with a sweet and euphoric conclusion. But now that the film series is going to be open again, this plan can be applied once more. What plotline is better to open Disney's main moneymaker other than Luke becoming the main villain of the film series. In the end, "Star Wars is like poetry" as George Lucas said. "It rhymes."

I am really excited on how things are going to play out on Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Like every die hard fans of the franchise I can't wait to watch the film. I still don't know what's going to happen on it because I haven't watched the film yet but let's see if Luke really had joined the Dark Side when the movie comes out. May the force be with you.

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