Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Lord of the Rings re-release

Since The Hobbit film series already ended, are there any plans in re-releasing The Lord of the Rings film series? Kind of what they did with Titanic wherein they re-edit it to be released in 3D. I still remember watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in 3D and although the film is not as good as any of the LOTR films, the experience I had watching it is still great, mainly because of how good the 3D-ness was done. Imagine watching the original trilogy in breathtakingly good quality.  It could also gave them opportunity to repolish those effects they did on the original series that are not that good since the technology nowadays is better. I kind of hoping they will thought of releasing it on 2021, the 20 years after they released The Fellowship of the Ring.

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